Bookbinding is a process where printed paper is arranged properly even by stitching, spiral, wiro, softcover, hardbound with gold printing, glued stapled, or saddle stitched in the form of the group for a long time without damage easy to read and handle for a long time, every paper separately and paper cutting. This process is the final after that product became ready to use. Due to finish work, it is very important to get the way you want to see it as well as Perfect, Hard, Spiral, Record Binding, Saddle Stitched, Perfect Binding, Thread Sewing Binding. Depending on how you want to see in the bundle of paper. Accurate binding you required is also the part of better pre-press work because of only proper margin and bleed printed paper can be made the accurate binding.
Bookbinding -Catalogue
- Center Pin, Saddle Stitched Catalogue
of the catalog under pages 60, we can do it saddle stitched in with stake paper is folded to in half and stapled in a center in two pins. This types of binding required pages in the pair of 4 pages to be stepped
Book binding-Bill Book
in this binding, each paper have to keep variable no have to stamp as per in specific areas defined in the paper and opening side either may have to keep on top or left side, keep sequential original copy + duplicate (as well as more copy) then perforated all copy except record copy or sewed group of paper then pasted top and bottom keep hard cardboard for the safety.
Education Book
As well as the educational book contains more than 60 page it required it can be bind either perfect or thread binding,
- Perfect Book Binding
- perfect+bound+boo
i) Perfect binding
in perfect binding, each page is kept separate with sequential then keep it in hot glued and put in the title page and pressed with the hot process and finally is ready to trim and ready to use couple seconds to use.
ii) Thread Binding
In this process, all pages must in the pair of 4/8/16/32 ...then it is kept sequential and sewed in a bunch then typically keep in hot glued thereafter put it in the center of the title page and pressed with the hot process and finally ready to trim and ten ready to use.
Table Calendar
- Wiro Binding, Normally Black and White Color
Basically, the calendar is required to see both sides at a time so joint edges will be loose to be separated each side required a ring having space up to 0.5" spine either it may be metal or plastic to keep all pages in sequential and made a hole (Punching) and hook all pages in the wire and wire is inserted into the cardboard hold to the base. and you can use each page turn properly. this binding is also known as coil binding.
Now as the technologies have been updated and the world of computer people used to see in the pdf format but the trend of bookbinding will carry on a long time from the ancient time.
Material required for binding cardboard, Threads, Glued, Cloth, Leather, Stepler Pin
There are various types of product required to bind books such as the brochure, catalog, creasing, folding, record binding, Hardbound with leaf binding golden color.
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